Turn of the century Roslyn, like many other American towns of its day, had its own brewery, The Roslyn Brewing and Malting Company. German brewers brewed rich dark lagers similar to what they had brewed in Germany, and probably close to what we brew as Roslyn Beer today. They delivered their lager in wooden barrels by horse and wagon to local saloons, of which Roslyn had many in its heyday.
Information regarding The Roslyn Brewing and Malting Company
The Roslyn Brewing and Malting Company sold beer for a nickel a bucket to miners, thirsty from a hard day in the mines. There are still a few folks in Roslyn who remember fetching those buckets home for their fathers. After providing one of the best beers in the Northwest for over 25 years, the Roslyn Brewery closed its doors due to Prohibition in 1913.